Our Standard delivery service provides delivery within 3 to 5 working days where items are held in stock. Standard delivery is provided free of charge for mainland Britain on orders over £695.00 and charged at £54.95 for orders under £695.00 Restrictions may apply. For none mainland Britain charges may vary dependent on the delivery location. Please call or email with your post code for delivery cost.
Deliveries are made between the hours of 8am and 6pm
No liability can be accepted for costs caused by late deliveries or for any other reason. Therefore we advise against booking tradesmen for installations until goods have been received.
In the event that you are not available to provide a signature on the pre-arranged date, then you will be charged for a re-delivery. Standard delivery is made to the 'kerb side' due to insurance guidelines so please arrange for adequate help to carry goods into your property. Deliveries cannot be left outside in porches, garages or any other location.